What is | Pycon Africa?
PyCon Africa is the annual gathering of the Pan-African Python community on the continent of
Africa. The conference is focused on the community using and developing the open-source Python
programming language. This will be the 2nd rendition of the conference. Last year Pycon Africa
was held in Accra, Ghana, read the full report here.
Due to the unfortunate circumstances, we can not come together in person, but we are excited to
be continuing with the conference online!
Dates: August 4-8, 2020
Location: Online
The | Program
Throughout the 4th - 8th of August 2020, you can expect:
- Talks delivered by speakers from across Africa and the world.
- Interactive sessions with influential Pythonista’s affecting the Python ecosystem on the continent.
- Pan-African open source Python projects made from within the continent.
We encourage you to connect with our team in order to be apart of this exciting initiative. Pycon Africa online will be free, however, to cover the costs of putting the conference together please join with us by donating here.
PyCon Africa is a diverse conference dedicated to providing an enjoyable experience to everyone. Help us ensure this by following our code of conduct.
The | Team
The organising team of PyCon Africa 2020 includes experienced Python community conference
organisers from Africa and Europe.
Between them they have run multiple international conferences, including PyCons in Nigeria,
Ghana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, United Kingdom as well as several editions of DjangoCon Europe.